17 November 2009

Jobs With Justice - Time To Help Them

I think you're pretty smart (hey, you're reading this, right?).

Now you can put your knowledge to the test and help Jobs with Justice raise some money at the same time. Their friends at CREDO mobile phone company have figured out a way to put all those crazy things the right-wing nuts say to work for progressive causes like us.

They put together a quiz to test you on the latest conservative claptrap - it's called OMG GOPWTF?!.

Every time you answer a question correctly, Jobs with Justice gets 10 cents. There are five questions, so that means that if they get 1,000 people to take the quiz and you score okay... they get $500 dollars.

TAKE THE QUIZ: http://www.unionvoice.org/ct/Q1_CDOp1cBAt/

You'll want to act fast. The quiz only benefits Jobs with Justice from November 16 to November 22. Next week, it will be a new quiz and a new organization, so don't wait!


Shane Fox

P.S. Tell your friends! Just forward this blog link to them.

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